Beach Volleyball Scorer and Linejudge Clinic

12th June at Portobello Beach

Do you want to learn more about scoring or linejudging beach volleyball?  Then attend our clinic on 12th June at Portobello Beach Volleyball Event in Edinburgh for directions click here.

The clinic starts at 10am and runs through til around 4:30, with a mix of theory and practice throughout the day.  We will cover areas such as:

  • filling in a scoresheet 
  • scorer communication with the 2nd official
  • working as an assistant scorer
  • linejudge techniques
  • linejudge communication with the 1st official
  • ball mark protocols
  • medical injury protocols
  • match protocols
  • feedback sessions with experienced officials

There is also an opportunity for you to practice your techniques on the Sunday (13th June) with feedback sessions from experienced officials throughout the day. 

Note: Saturday 12th is compulsory for those who want to be a National Technical Official for the Olympics.

Please contact the SVA Office to reserve your place. 

Sandy Steel
SVA Referees Commission

Beach Official