Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Scottish Volleyball (SV) will endeavour through our policies, procedures,
actions and decision-making to ensure that no person (employee, volunteer, member or
participant) who is part of SV or who comes into contact with SV, receives less
favourable treatment (on the grounds of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, age or
social background).on the grounds of the protected characteristics defined within the Employment
Act 2010.

brief description/introduction to the plan

bullet points


brief description of what actions are and how many ( do not list them)


link to equality action plan document

If you would like to know more about the equality action plan or have any queries, please get in touch at membership@scottishvolleyball.org.


How to get involved

Equality Panel

information on how to get involved

Disability and Inclusion Panel

information on how to get involved

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